Khamis, 14 Februari 2013


Failure is not falling down ; failure is staying down when you have the choice to get back up. ~.~

A great relationship is not when you never fight. It's that whenever you fight and you learn something.

The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears and the kindest hearts have felt the most pain. . .~.~

One must never shed the mighty spirit to start afresh. It's never too late. Rise, shine & fly. In this life, it’s not what you hope for, it’s not what you deserve – it’s what you take!

Whenever you feel its just not your day, remember, its one of the games that our mind plays, sit down, relax, and try to sincerely pray, and push all your worries far, far away. 

“Kami akan memperlihatkan kepada mereka tanda-tanda (kekuasaan) Kami di segala wilayah bumi dan pada diri mereka sendiri, hingga jelas bagi mereka bahwa Al-Quran itu adalah benar. Tiadakah cukup bahawa sesungguhnya Tuhanmu menjadi saksi atas segala sesuatu?” 
[QS. Al- Fushshilat]

ALLAH HU AKHBAR's+Name+Appears+in+an+Ear+of+a+Baby.jpg


 Kalimah Allah Pada Perut Lembu

 Kalimah Allah pada buah tomato 

 Kalimah Allah Pada Daun


Kebesaran Allah di perlihatkan kepada kita.

The story of the fish began when Mr. Goerge Wehbi, 
a Christian Lebanese, was practicing his fishing hobby,
 in Dakar Senegal (the Capital of West Africa). He caught many fish. 
When the went home his wife saw among them a strange fish
 about 50cm length, with some arabic writing on it. He took it to 
Sheikh al-Zein, who read clearly what was writen in a natural way. 
That could not be done by a human being, but rather
 a Godly Creation which the fish was born with. He read "God's Servant"
 on its belly and "Muhammad" near its head, 
and "His Messenger" on its tail.

 Banjir Di Pakistan



P/S :

 Segala puji hanya milik 

Allah AWT diatas kebesaran

 milikNya di langit

 mahupun di bumi .

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